Creative Request Form
" indicates required fields
General Info
-- Select --
Jax Boulder
Jax LoDo
Jax Fort Collins
Jax Glendale
Jax Colorado Springs
Jax Global
West End Tavern
Post Boulder
Post Lafayette
Post Longmont
Post Rosedale
Post Estes Park
Post Brewing Global
Velvet Elk Lounge
Big Red F
What's Up?
-- Select --
Business Card
Private Party / Catering Event Menu
Merchandise / Swag / Packaging
Menu Change
Cool Shit We're Doing (no design needed)
Save The Date (design eventually needed)
Email Address
This must be a valid, full email address (ie:
Menu Change
Is this a rush request?
Is this a menu change or a new menu?
What is the name of the menu?
When are you hoping/planning to go live with this menu?
MM slash DD slash YYYY
List the items coming off of the menu, if applicable
List the items being added to the menu, or all items if a new menu.
Asset / Image Upload
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Is this a rush request?
Standard turnaround time is two weeks for a proof. Please indicate if this job is needed in less than two weeks.
Event Title
Ticket Pricing
Event Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Event Time
What collateral do you need for this event?
Bare bones...poster, check presenter
Middle ground...poster, check presenter, organic social push
The whole enchilada...a full on marketing campaign including poster, check presenter, organic social, paid social, digital, etc.
Other collateral needed
This field is hidden when viewing the form
How many would you like printed?
Please include print numbers for any of the first five items that you checked in the above question
Tell us more about the event.
(Be sure to include specific copy or layout instructions that you would like to appear on the creative. Provide as much detail as you can.)
Does the event have partners that should be included on the creative collateral?
For example: charities, vendors, breweries, distilleries, other restaurants/chefs
-- Select --
Partner Logo(s)
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Please list your partners and what you like to include on the creative collateral.
For example: name, logo, website, etc. If you need a logo or image included please send via email to
Menu - Full menu & prices required! If missing, your menu won’t be processed.
Please enter the menu for the event in the space provided below. Full menus may not be included on the creative collateral; however, please submit the full menu so we are to create a menu for the day of the event.
Is a menu update needed at Toast?
Please choose an option below. Select 'none' if you will not be accepting reservations.
Call ###-###-#### for reservations
Reservations Encouraged - Call ###-###-####
Reservations Required - Call ###-###-####
Reservations Recommended - Call ###-###-####
Online Ticketing
Order cut off / pick up time
Other Reservations Text
If this a ticketed event, please include how customers can purchase tickets.
Does ticket price include tax/gratuity?
Asset / Image Upload
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Marketing Materials Needed
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Launch Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Does it need a title?
Is it for a specific event and/or promotion? If so, please let us know what title to include.
For what?
For example Buy One, Get One Taco Free, $5 Off Any Entree, Free Appetizer
Fine Print
Please include any and all circumstances in which your guest can use this coupon. These cannot be "with the purchase of" or "buy one get one".
Cannot Combine With Any Other Offer
Valid Monday-Thursday
Not Valid on Weekends
Not Valid on Holidays
Not Valid on Weekends or Holidays
Valid During Happy Hour Only
Valid During Brunch Hours Only
Valid During Lunch Hours Only
Valid During Dinner Hours Only
One Per Guest
One Per Party
One Per Table
Alcohol Not Included
Tax Not Included
Gratuity Not Included
Alcohol, Tax, Gratuity Not Included
Dine In Only
Other Fine Print
Expiration Date
Other Stuff
Please include any other info your would like included on your coupon or any fine print you weren't able to include from the questions above.
Quantity needed for printing
Asset / Image Upload
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Business Card
As you would like it to appear
Work Phone
Cell Phone
Only include if you would like it to appear on your business card
Additional Notes
Private Party/Catering Menu
Date Needed
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Menu Title
Please list the full menu below and check spelling
How many do you need printed?
Asset / Image Upload
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Social Media Image
Date Needed
MM slash DD slash YYYY
What type of image do you need?
Facebook Event Page Cover Photo
Facebook/Instagram Post Photo
Facebook Ad Photo (limited text)
Other type of image
What should the image be?
Other Creative Stuff
Marketing Materials Needed
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Launch Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Tell us what you need made
Please be as detailed as possible.
Merchandise / Swag / Packaging
You are requesting a NEW design or item for merch, swag, or in-house branded pieces. Please check your store's Merch Guide and the BRF Approved Vendor Guide (via Google Drive) to ensure your desired item does not already exist before completing this form.
Type of Item
-- Select --
Tank Top
Hat (trucker, beanie, etc.)
Other Item
What is the purpose of this item?
Everyday Use
Staff Uniforms
In-Store Sale (merch)
Event Promotion
Other Purpose
Please provide as much information as possible on what you have in mind. Not only in regards to design, but also in regards to the style/color/fit of the item we'll be sourcing.
Any specific copy or design features?
Any fine print or required labeling?
More Info
If the design needs to include specific copy or details, please provide them below. (i.e. event title, dates, sponsor logos)
Date Needed
What date do you need the approved design/item by? Keep in mind ordering & production typically takes 4 weeks.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Cool Shit We're Doing (no design needed)
You're doing something cool in house and it doesn't need any support from us? You know we love to hear it! We'd still love to tell our PR team about it, so remember to upload some pictures and add the details to your marketing plan.
What’s Up?
Asset / Image Upload
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 1 MB.
Save The Date (design eventually needed)
So you don't have all the details yet but you think we should have a heads up. This will give us a head start designing any posters or collateral needed for your event/programming.
What do you have in the works?
Give us as much detail as you have right now. Be sure to add the same details to your marketing plan and update that plan when you submit a creative request with the remaining details.
When do you expect to have the rest of the specifics?
MM slash DD slash YYYY